Friday, April 3, 2009

My first 70 mile week!

That's the way it's looking - pretty exciting and confidence boosting! 

I took my sparkling new "Boston shoes" out for the first time today - I ended up not running two days ago, and then wore my old shoes on yesterday's 23 miler. I tried breaking in a new pair of shoes  on a long run before, and that was a mistake. My feet hurt so much I had to stop the 22 mile run at 17, and had the hardest time getting home since I'd neglected to bring money for the bus. Since then I've always run with a couple of dollars, and learned not to subject new shoes to such long distance tests initially. 

Today's run felt very springy - a good follow-up to yesterday, which honestly was a grind for the last half. The first half felt so easy! The second half I found myself just shuffling along - the hard 11 miles I did the day before probably had something to do with it. I hope that was it! I took a few walking breaks yesterday - mentally I wasn't in it. But I accomplished my two goals for the run, spending at least 3:40 running and covering 23 miles, so I'll just leave it at that...

Today on the other hand I was bounding up the hills at Ravenna Park and feeling a lot better - I was surprised I felt as good as I did. I have 20 more miles this weekend, another 6ish tomorrow and a 14 mile trail run on Sunday and that'll be 70 miles for the first time...

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