Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stocking up / Taking stock

Stocking up
I've got three new pairs of running shoes sitting in my bags right now - a good month after I ordered the first pair from Road Runner, and subsequently received a postcard from them telling me my favorite Saucony Gel Omni Ultimates, size 8, were being discontinued, I pedaled over and took what they had. 3 pairs x 400 miles each = 1200 miles of potential right here! I'll start breaking in my pair for Boston tonight.... 

Taking Stock
The trip to Denver/Boulder was really "auspicious," just as I predicted the first day, upon sitting next to the fiance of a conference presenter on the plane over. Thursday's freakish blizzard kept me from running one day, but other than that I was able to fit the runs in quite nicely. 
Wednesday was a long run along Boulder's Creek Trail. Ran towards the mountains first and through the canyon outside of town - amazing rock formations towering overhead, and the bluer than blue sky. I was sorry to run out of trail going in that direction, but I turned around and headed back the other way, where after some miles I came upon prairie dogs in great numbers, sunning themselves and wagging their stubby tails in jubilation. I've never experienced such comic relief on a run! By the end of the 3 hour run I was ready to be done and move on (to falafel with Max), but felt pretty good overall, considering it was my first long run at altitude on my first day in Colorado.
Friday and Saturday  were 6 and 9 mile runs along the Cherry Creek and Platte River trails in the afternoons. Originally I was excited about getting other TESOL runners to join me, but it was hard enough to plan it for myself, and with the snow it didn't seem likely that many others would join me anyway. Turned out fine this way though. Felt really good, especially Saturday. Four days is probably too little to really benefit from running at altitude, but maybe I can attribute yesterday's awesome 15 miler partly to that. And the extra day off on Sunday?

And this just in... (to the PO box)
Got my bib pick-up card today. It came in a fattish white envelope, with course maps, schedules, etc. 2o days to go, and 9 until we take off for New Jersey. It's just about time to start tapering - I want to have one more solid week this week, with a 23 miler tomorrow, some speed work and the Sunday trail run. Then I'll start cutting back a little...

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